每日動一句 英國演員杰克休斯頓
這部電影的主題 the themes of this movie 現在發生的事情 what's going on 這個世界 the world 我們發現其實沒有改變太多 we realize nothing much has changed 世界仍然處于完全的混亂 the world is still in utter turmoil 分崩離析 is in disarray 人們還是殘酷相待 people are still treating each other horribly 有這么多的仇恨和 there's so much hatred and 憤怒與恐懼在世界上 anger and fear in the world 宗教戰爭 religious wars 政治戰爭 political wars 所有我們身邊的事物 all the stuff that's going on around us 反映了現在的時代 that's mirroring this time 令人驚訝 it's amazing 我們沒有學會多少 we haven't learned that much 但是這齣電影要講的是 but what this movie is saying is 總是有方法能夠擺脫困境 there is a way to get up from under 而這非常的相關 and that's very relevant